Andrew Carnegie: A Robber Baron Or A Captain Of Industry

Did you know that Andrew Carnegie was the third-most wealthy industrialist of the Guilded Age era? It wasn’t easy to be wealthy. A robberbaron, or someone who makes money through incompetent business practices and ruthlessness, is known as a robber baron. A captain or industry is a leader in business whose personal fortune has been a positive contribution to the country. Andrew Carnegie is a criminal baron and a chief of industry. He spent the money on over 2,000 libraries. However, he did not use the workers’ money.

Andrew Carnegie is a criminal baron. He gave back to the nation, but he did so by using the workers’ income. To help his country, he had decreased their wages. “Oh, master,” reads the Workingmans Prayer for Mass. It explains how his workers noticed that he spent their money to cover the fact that they don’t get paid what they worked for. He took away the income of his workers and was also hypocritical in preaching for unionization and protecting their jobs. But he is taking money from their paychecks as well as extending their work hours. American Experience: Biography says that Carnegie was an unusual industrial captain because he advocated the right of workers to unionize and to preserve their jobs. Carnegie’s actions weren’t always consistent with his rhetoric. Carnegie’s workers in steel were often pressured to work long hours, and receive low wages. This is how Carnegie was hypocritical. While he encourages workers to defend their jobs and stand up for what they believe, he doesn’t practice what he preaches. Andrew Carnegie is a bank robber baron. This is because he stole workers’ income in order to make his own image better. Instead of giving money towards charities, Carnegie built libraries and was known as “a Palace of Peace”. American Experience: Biography states that he spent a lot of his wealth on the establishment of over 2,500 libraries, as well as supporting higher education institutions. This is a clear indication of how he wanted others to benefit from his generosity, helping to build libraries and provide opportunities for them to learn. Andrew Carnegie also supported libraries in English-speaking countries. His entire life was dedicated to charitable activities and giving back to the public. Today in History – Primary Source Quote & Secondary Source says that Carnegie created 2,509 libraries in English speaking countries. These included libraries in Michigan and New York, Ohio as well as Vermont. He also helped to found Carnegie Mellon University and established trusts.” This is how Carnegie believed that all the wealth he had saved should be used for education. This shows how he used his fortune to build libraries and then use it to establish a university at Pittsburgh. Andrew Carnegie is a leader in industry, as he used his retirement savings and accumulated wealth for many good causes. He also gave them these institutions so they could get their education. He was a leader in industry because he helped others.

Andrew Carnegie was both a robberbaron and a captain d’industries because, although the public could get their education now, he had accumulated enough wealth to finance them. He lowered his workers wages and took out of their paychecks. His workers distrusted him and he created trusts in order to help create Carnegie Mellon University. Andrew Carnegie is a hypocrite and doesn’t live up to his promises. To not pay his workers for their work, he extended the hours of his workers. He extended workers’ hours in order to make more of their income. Andrew Carnegie wanted everyone to think that he was good, but his method of accumulating wealth was brutal. Andrew Carnegie had achieved some good results with his wealth, such as giving public education to those who couldn’t afford it. However, he was unfair to his workers and lowered their wages in order to increase his own. To conceal the fact that he had done things to his workers, he tried to give back more money in return.


  • sofiamiller

    I am Sofia Miller, a 21-year-old blogger and student. I love writing, and I'm passionate about education and learning. I blog about a variety of educational topics, from student life to university admissions. I also write about parenting and lifestyle topics.

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