A Theme Of Genocide In The Man In The High Castle By Philip K. Dick

Genocide involves mass killings of a small group of people. Cultural Genocide involves the extermination of a person’s culture. When one group perceives themselves to be superior, they tend to want to have the right to control the land of their opponent. This conflict is evident in Argentina’s conquest of Patagonia Desert by the Mapuche Indians who inhabited the region. The conflict resulted in the execution by the Argentinians of a genocide, which saw them persecute and kill the Mapuche’s culture and lives. The idea that one group is entitled to conquer another land to obtain more is heavily emphasized in Philip K. Dick’s science fiction novel, The Man in the High Castle. Dick’s novel explores conflict between allies after they have no longer needed one another. Dick looks at Japan in a post-1942 world where Germany and Japan have both won the war. The Patagonia Desert genocide and Dick’s analysis in The Man in the High Castle show the greed that comes from victory in conflict. The greed-driven genocides in Argentina or The Man in the High Castle have resulted in a loss in culture and humanity. These events can have unintended consequences for all groups, regardless of their friendship. The Patagonia Desert genocidal massacre or as Richard O. Perry from South American history refers, “General Julio A. Roca’s Conquest of the Desert 1878-1879” is often a historical conflict that is reconstructed in the hope of justifying the most horrific of actions. Sarah Warren, anthropologist and sociologist, claims that Argentinian scholars present the conquest within the context of a dispute over the Patagonia Dry. However, this is often distorted to reflect the nature of Mapuche Indians who inhabited these areas. Chile realized that Patagonia was a place of economic prosperity in the late 1800’s. With this realization, Argentina as well as European powers like England or France began a political war over who had the right. Perry’s discussion of politics sparked tensions, particularly between Chileand Argentina. This resulted in conflict which was further pushed to the point of violence and genocide. “Its central objectives of the genocide were to eradicate indigenous peoples and expand Argentina’s national boundaries.” These goals were achieved by Argentina, who killed and forced thousands of indigenous people from the region. Alfred Hasbrouck (author on Spanish South America) says that between November 1882 to March 1883, “three hundred sixty-four Indian warriors were killed,” 1700 were taken prisoner or surrendered, and over 3000 were driven from the area. The Mapuche Indians are now facing the consequences of their victory. Argentina altered the South American landscape in a way that created tensions and genocide. Argentina’s conquest of the desert created tensions that lasted for decades. Dick also examines the greed of Mapuche survivors who were able to infiltrate governments when they had the chance to acquire more land or control. After seizing control of the United States from Japan and Germany, and making America’s homeland less secure than ever before, Germany finally decides to stop sharing their land with Japan. Conversation between Captain R. Wegener Herr Tagomi and Mr. Baynes focuses on Operation Dandelion – the German Reich military plan. “The basic purpose… an enormous nuke arrack in the Home Islands” of Japan. Operation Dandelion paints the German Reich as a hostile entity to the Americans and Japanese. Germany justified additional mass murder and genocide after the Holocaust. This was to increase their power and control more lands and peoples. The operation idea, although not yet executed, continues to create tension in the society by further infiltrating the Japanese and Germans. In fact, “a group of SD men… trying to overtake the building” attacked the men at Mr. Tagomi’s workplace. Despite the fact they had to rely on each other in order to win this war, the German’s still believe that Germans are superior than Japanese. In the way that others act and the shifts in attitudes, the consequences of Dick’s actions continue to affect the society. Japanese people are put in a defensive role to prevent obliteration by Germany’s social hierarchy.

The Argentinian conquests in the Patagonia Desert and Operation Dandelion by the Germans in The Man in the High Castle were met with great controversy by the group responsible for the atrocities. Many Argentinians see the conquest of desert as a means of civilizing the region. The Argentinian government is trying to change their perspective and to “shift from a policy extermination, assimilation to one that recognizes has created space for racial identifcation as indigenous”, which has opened up the possibility of growth and movement away form the destruction of cultural heritage. Although Argentina recognizes the Mapuche people, this does not mean that the Mapuche will no longer be suffering from the effects of displacement and death. The Germans also face controversial disagreements regarding the execution of Operation Dandelion, despite the heated reactions from Argentinians. The men question Mr. Baynes about who is not supporting the operation. He tells them that it was SS General Heydrich. One faction supports German imperialism and total control. The other sees the value in international cooperation and maintaining allies. You can see that genocide has negative effects on both the victim and perpetrator of the crime. Groups that perpetrate such atrocities often break down and have a negative impact on the country’s politics.

Genocide can have lasting negative consequences for all cultures and societies. Genocide is a mass destruction of culture. This can lead to the death of a large number of people. Genocide can also have consequences for those who commit it. This is because not everyone in a given group believes and supports the genocide of another culture or people. Argentina’s genocide at the Patagonia was a divisive act. The Mapuche who were able to survive the massacre, along with the factions of Argentinians supporting or detracting, created a division. The possibility of another conquest in The Man in the High Castle could also cause tensions between Japan (previously cooperative) and Germany (previously productive). This creates tensions in the German Reich, which is also questioning if Operation Dandelion was a positive and productive move in Germany and the wider world. Genocide and its devastating effects on history by eradicating culture have created lasting tensions that will continue to haunt the world and those who live there.


  • sofiamiller

    I am Sofia Miller, a 21-year-old blogger and student. I love writing, and I'm passionate about education and learning. I blog about a variety of educational topics, from student life to university admissions. I also write about parenting and lifestyle topics.

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